Sunday, 16 September 2012

Room 2 have been reading the shared book "The Giant's Ice-Cream."  We enjoyed this story very much and the pictures of ice-cream always made us feel like eating ice-cream.  On Friday we did make our own ice-cream sundaes and we wrote some stories  about them.  Have a read.

I like to make the ice cream.  I put sprinkles and lollies on it.  By Alanix
I have sprinkles on my ice cream.  It was yummy. By Max
I like my ice cream. It tasted good because it had chocolate on it.  By Oshay
I like my favourite ice cream and it is yummy and I put in some sprinkles.   By Keanu
I like the white ice cream with the sprinkles.  It was delicious.  By Pariz
I like ice cream.  It is yummy because I put chocolate sprinkles on it.  By Desmond
I like ice cream because it is sweet.  I put pebbles on it.  By Katrulena
I like ice cream and I like the chocolate.  I like the sprinkles.  By Ala
I like ice cream.  It makes me tough.  By Tuiva
I love ice cream.  It is delicious.  By Troy
I like ice cream.  I made it colourful.  By Tyreese
I love ice cream.  The ice cream is yummy.  I put sprinkles in the bowl.  By Alavi
I like ice cream.  I love ice cream.  By Tenissa
I am eating my ice cream and I like eating my ice cream.  I put different colour lollies on it.  By Faatoelau
Sports with the YMCA.  Room 2 have been lucky to have two YMCA sports educators to take us for ball skills.  At the moment we are doing soccer skills. 

If we hit the cones while dribbling our soccer ball they made us do press-ups.  We like playing soccer.
We don't like press-ups.